
Winkfield Road

Ascot LOCATION: AscotSTARTED: Feb 2019 - Completed May 2020   This attractive development, was a former doctors surgery, within a residential row opposite the garden neighboring the famous Racecourse of Ascot. Heathworks is a gated development of two state-of-the-art houses on Winkfield Road. Location   Other nearby places of interest include The Berkshire Golf Club,...

Greater London House

Leytonstone, London LOCATION: Leytonstone, LondonSTARTED: January 2015 - Sold Feb 2016Description Greater London House was offered as a dilapidated parcel of thee shops & upper parts, consisting of three commercial units on ground floor level, a total of twelve rooms over first & second floors, a rear yard, and three storage units to the rear of the property accessed via...

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